Mark your calendars for the upcoming 2024 events by the EPID@Work Research Institute!

EPID@Work is a research institute at Lakehead University that conducts community-driven research on work-related injury and disability prevention in Northwestern Ontario. They focus on mental health, equity, diversity, and knowledge mobilization.

February, April, June, November, and December: EPID Talks Seminar Series. Host or join webinars that feature presentations by professionals on topics related to work-related injury and disability prevention. Present your topic and get involved:

March, July, and August: Community Training Initiatives are in development by the EPID staff. Get involved:

October 2024: Research into Action 2024. Participate in this conference and explore the importance of regional research and collaboration with researchers, community members, employers and workers.

Stay tuned to the upcoming opportunities to learn from the EPID@Work team and a network of professionals at the Community Zone website page.

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