About the Community Zone

The Lakehead Community Zone is the central point for cultivating and accessing the breadth of programming and services offered by Lakehead University in support of community learning, professional development, and training. Our goal is to provide accessible paths to professional and lifelong learning opportunities that support our local, regional, national, and global learners. We are committed to providing a learner-centred environment built on Lakehead University’s core values and vision to provide an experience that is exceptional, unconventional, and far from ordinary.

Funded by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities through the Northern Sustainability Fund (2019), the Community Zone advances Lakehead University’s commitment to exploring innovative and accessible opportunities for lifelong learning.

The Lakehead Community Zone is proud to be a member of The Ontario Council for University Lifelong Learning (OCULL).

Developing a Non-Credit or Micro-Credential Offering

Departments and units within Lakehead University seeking to develop non-credit offerings and micro-credentials can gain access to information on approval processes, dedicated and specialized support for instructional development, marketing and communication, as well as coordination and logistics. Contact The Community Zone Coordinator by email at coordinator.communityzone@lakeheadu.ca to start the process of developing a non-credit or micro-credential offering.


Get to know our staff.


Are you seeking to develop non-credit or micro-credential offerings?
Please contact us by email.