Empowering Learners Through Professional Development, Lifelong Learning, and Training: Annual Report 2023–2024 from the Lakehead University Community Zone
Lakehead University's Community Zone is proud to present its Annual Report for 2023–2024, which celebrates a remarkable year of growth and achievement. This comprehensive report highlights the significant progress in supporting learners through non-credit offerings since the Community Zone's inception.
In 2023–2024, over 5,000 learners were empowered through innovative programs, courses, and micro-credentials, fostering a vibrant community of lifelong learners and professionals.
The Zone team has made significant progress in the support of community learning, professional development, and training. Over 5,000 learners have received support, and a robust non-credit and micro-credential community is being cultivated.
“As the Community Zone team at Lakehead University, we have effectively coordinated logistical support, navigated complex design matters, and collaborated extensively with internal and external partners. Together, we've fostered a strong and supportive community internally and externally, steadily gaining awareness and supporting learners through tailored marketing and effective instructional design. We're proud of our progress and excited to continue positively impacting learners by offering non-credit offerings.”
− The Lakehead University Community Zone Team: Michel Beaulieu,
Patti McCluskey, Kelly Brennan, and Jessica Gagnon
Through instructional design and development, marketing and communication, coordination, and logistics, the Zone will continue to advance Lakehead University’s core values and vision to deliver a learner-centered experience that is exceptional, unconventional, and far from ordinary.
For more details, please read the full publication. Follow us on social media @lakeheadcz, or get in touch by contacting us at admin.communityzone@lakeheadu.ca.