Learn something new this winter with the Ontario Master Naturalist Workshops in February and March 2024
Embrace the freshly fallen snow and get outside in nature to learn something new this winter with the Winter Mammal Tracking on Snowshoes workshop. Join Ontario Master Naturalist Program facilitator Bob Bowles at the Robert L. Bowles Nature Centre in Ramara, Ontario, to learn key techniques for tracking mammals and identifying species, such as observing the different gaits mammals use during winter, and measuring stride, straddle, and other components.
Join us for the Winter Mammal Tracking on Snowshoes workshop on Saturday, February 24, from 10 am to 2 pm at the Robert L. Bowles Nature Centre in Ramara, ON.
Learn how to identify various types of trees and how they survive during the winter months with the Winter Dendrology - Discovering Deciduous Trees in Wintertime workshop. Join Ontario Master Naturalist Program facilitator Bob Bowles to learn about the many different species of trees that call Ontario home. In an informative and interactive presentation, participants will learn how to identify different trees by their winter bud shape, size, colour, arrangement, leaf scars, and bark details. During this workshop participants will receive a Winter Dendrology booklet written by Bob himself!
Join us for the Winter Dendrology workshop on Saturday, March 23, from 10 am to 2 pm at the Lakehead University Orillia Campus and a nearby trail system.