Ontario Micro-credentials Challenge Fund
Announced in April 2021, Ontario provided $15 million through the Ontario Micro-credentials Challenge Fund Round 1 to accelerate the development of micro-credentials and expand program offerings. After a successful call for proposals, Ontario approved over 65 projects at colleges, universities, Indigenous Institutes and career colleges across the province, creating over 300 new micro-credentials to support approximately 6,000 learners.
Round 2
Ontario is providing $5 million through the Ontario Micro-credentials Challenge Fund Round 2 to support the co-creation or expansion of micro-credentials to help address Ontario’s labour market gaps.
Ontario has allocated funding to 36 postsecondary institutions, that are working with local industry and employers to develop new or to expand existing micro-credentials focused on Ontario’s priority labour market sectors.
About the fund
The Challenge Fund Round 2 will expand the number and types of micro-credentials available in the province that help to address Ontario’s labour market gaps. These micro-credentials will increase collaboration between the private and public sectors through formal partnerships among postsecondary institutions, training providers and employers.
The micro-credentials developed from this fund will focus on training that is:
- employer responsive and leads directly to local/regional jobs
- designed to fill labour market gaps in priority sectors, for example:
- health care
- advanced manufacturing
- electric vehicles
- critical minerals
- mental health services/accessibility
- housing
The funding was available to:
- publicly assisted colleges and universities
- Indigenous Institutes
- registered career colleges
- private institutions offering programs with ministerial consent under the Post-secondary Education Choice and Excellence Act, 2000
Funding recipients
A total of 88 projects are receiving funding in 2024–25:
Brock University
- Supervisory Skills in Advanced Manufacturing
Canadian College of Healthcare and Pharmaceutics
- Wound Care and Management for Healthcare Professionals
- Intravenous Therapy for Health Professionals
- Mental Health-Suicide Crisis Responder
- Health Data Analytics for Health Professionals
- Cybersecurity (Medical Device) Project Management for Healthcare Professionals
Canadore College
- Digital Health Skills
- The Business of Broadband – Beyond Borders
Carleton University
- Climate Change and Youth Mental Health
Centennial College
- Process Development and Scientific Molding in Injection Molding
- Fundamentals in Design & Virtual Commissioning for NX
- Electrical Utility Control Centres (System Control)
- Electrical Utility Distribution Stations (Monitor and Maintain)
- Hybrid Electric Vehicle Program (Maintenance and Repair)
Collège Boréal
- Sensibilisation aux besoins particuliers dans le domaine de l’éducation de la petite enfance
- Battery Electric Vehicle Automotive
Collège La Cité
- Approche intégrée et culturellement adaptée en santé mentale / Intervention en santé mentale en milieu scolaire
Conestoga College
- Manufacturing Leadership
Confederation College
- Surveyor Assistant Theory
CRD College of Health Care
- Pathway to Health Care Jobs – Care Support Aide/Developmental Disability Support Assistant
- Transforming from Developmental Disability Support Assistant to Developmental Services Worker
- Transforming from Care Support Aide to Certified Personal Support Worker
Evergreen College
- Primary Care Clinical Assistant for Seniors
Fanshawe College
- Manufacturing Fundamentals Part 1
- Manufacturing Fundamentals Part 2
First Nations Technical Institute (FNTI)
- Introduction to Indigenous Worldviews
- Meaning of Treaties, Agreements, and Land Claims
- Truth and Reconciliation
- Healing from an Indigenous Foundation
- Safety in Practice
Fleming College
- Introduction to Biomanufacturing
- Embedded Systems Design 1
- Embedded Systems Design 2
- Embedded Systems Design 3
- Indigenous Perspectives in Economic Development
George Brown College
- Housing Maintenance and Construction
- Infectious Disease Control
Georgian College
- Industrial and Construction Controls Micro-certificate
- Hydrogen 101
IBT College
- Hospitality Micro-credentials Leading to a Hospitality Management Diploma using Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
Lakehead University
- Specialized Skills for Northern, Rural, and Remote Health: Perinatal Healthcare, Health Leadership, Mental Health and Addictions
- Risk Management for Indigenous Land-Based Practitioners
- Archaeological Monitoring and Mapping for Indigenous Communities (AMMIC) Program
- Health Information Management
Lambton College
- Improving Access to Staffing through a Standardized HR Orientation Training and Digital Passport System for SW Ontario Developmental Services Agencies
- Gap Training to Support Ontario’s Advanced Biomanufacturing Sector
Laurentian University
- Urban Aging and Inclusive Design Practitioner
- Music in Northern Care
- Applied Behaviour Reduction Techniques
Loyalist College
- Land Surveying Techniques
- Child Protection Worker Authorization
- Getting Ready for the Trades
- Trauma-Informed and Mindfulness Practitioner
- Facilities Supervisor
McMaster University
- Leadership in Bioinnovation
- Digital Decode: Bridging the Digital Marketing Skills Gap in Today’s Connected World
- Generative AI for Knowledge Workers
- Foundational Competencies and Tools for Equity-Based Co-Creation
- Nuclear Safety and Technology
Mohawk College
- City School Community Learning Alliance: From Employment Precarity to Workforce Integration
- Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Upskilling for Electricians
Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM)
- Local and Traditional Food Handler Training and Certification
- Clinical Teaching for Health Care Professionals (CT-HCP)
- Artificial Intelligence for Health System Transformation
Ontario Tech University
- Digital Technology Use and Competence within Health Care and Industry 4.0
Oshki-Pimache-O-Win: The Wenjack Education Institute
- Revitalizing the Role of the Community Health Representative
Pharma-Medical Science College of Canada
- Health Professional Career Development
Sault College
- Business Analytics: Content Creation Using AI
- Business Analytics: Business Analysis Fundamentals
- Business Analytics: Microsoft Power BI Fundamentals
- Business Analytics: Data Analysis Using Power BI
- Business Analytics: Business Analysis Using Excel
Seneca Polytechnic
- Supporting Labour Market Demand and Job Continuity in the Behaviour Technician Field
Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU)
- Clinical Teaching Skills for Academic Clinicians
Trent University
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Training for Healthcare Professionals
Université de Hearst
- Initiation à la gestion de petites entreprises pour les personnes professionnelles de la santé
University of Guelph
- Companion Animal Primary Care
- Effective Veterinary Teams
- Veterinary Healthcare Delivery to Underserviced Communities
- Equine Primary Care
University of Ottawa
- Creation of French Language Health Care Management Micro-credentials
- Managing Innovation and Change in Health Care
- Managing Performance in Health Care
- Financial Management in Health Care
Victoria International College of Business & Technology
- Artificial Intelligence Programming
York University
- Upskilling for Co-Op: Preparing for the Workplace
- Vaccine Production and Quality Assurance
- Breaking Down Barriers: Understanding and Addressing Racism in Canada
For more information about the Challenge Fund, contact psepolicy@ontario.ca.